How Coronavirus Exposed the "Shaky Foundation" (w/ Michael Krieger)

The pin that found its way into the everything bubble. When plunder becomes a way of life. If you think your making money is due to your own smartness - think again. Former Lehman Brothers, Michael Kriegman explains Liberty Blitzkrieg. By Real Vision 25 June 2020 (42'44") #finance #LibertyBlitzkrieg #TheShakyFoundation #Civilisation #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #TheMediaLiedPeopleDied #banlandlords #batvirus #TheMediaCausedCovid19 #leftismmustdie #decouple #reset #CCPCoronaVirus #covid19 #ChinaVirus #ChineseAggression #ChinaMustPay #TheMediaMustPay #PunishChina #PunishTheMedia #wetmarkets #CCPVirus #CCPCoronavirus #usury #rentalslavery #indenturedSlavery #fiat #currency


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