Episode 1015 Scott Adams: Let's Watch the Peaceful Protestors Have a Pol...

Violent response systemically likely: Rioters are not humanity's friends - siding with them does not matter: Main fake stream media not showing the "good" stuff from within the opposing forces, but staying safe behind police. Hostile crowd heading to New York's leftist mayor Bill De Blasio's residence. Leftists are a terrorist group, if you catch one there's always another. So how do we solve managing the insurrection - imagine a vigilante sniper. By Scott Adams 3 June 2020 (33'26") #NationalSecurity #SentenceGeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloydIsACriminal #FentanylKilledGeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloydMustPay #Fentanyl #law #order #Police #batvirus #NewZealand #NationalSecurity #chinaliedpeopledied #chinamustpay #ccpvirus #batvirus #leftismmustdie #GeorgeFloyd #nunrobber #themedialiedpeopledied #themediamustpay #businessadvisor #fakeRacism #FreeDerekChauvin #ChinaKilledGeorgeFloyd #DominateTheStreet #ChineseFentanyl #Fentanyl #openFire #ArmsCitizens #WildAnimal #ArrestJoeBiden #ArrestBernieSanders #ccpvirus #batvirus #leftismmustdie #nunrobbers #ChurchBurners #HouseBreakers #jacindaardern #sniper


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