Episode 1013 Scott Adams: Chinese Fentanyl Was in George Floyd. Explains...

We must blame China for George Floyd was full of Chinese fentanyl - the autopsy showed he did not die due to a knee to the neck. Free Derek Chauvin. By Scott Adams 1 June 2020 (7'53") #DominateTheStreet #ChineseFentanyl #Fentanyl #openFire #ArmsCitizens #WildAnimal #ArrestJoeBiden #ArrestBernieSanders #SentenceGeorgeFloyd #GeorgeFloydIsACriminal #law #order #Police #GeorgeFloydMustPay #HarvardMustDie #chinaliedpeopledied #chinamustpay #ccpvirus #batvirus #leftismmustdie #GeorgeFloyd #nunrobber #ChurchBurner #themedialiedpeopledied #themediamustpay #businessadvisor #fentanyl


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