RAVI ZACHARIAS - In tribute, we relive his outstanding (FULL) interview.

In loving memory of Ravi Zacharias - Apologist: 26 March 1946 - 19 May 2020.  Having preaching in 70 countries, authored 30 books and a career of 48 years, announced he had cancer two months ago - he was 74. China, India the Middle East - and their backdrop of naturalism, secularism or antitheism are packing out to listen to the message of Jesus. They know they are living off the capital of the Judeo-Christian framework. They want to see that ethic - which does not exist in atheism. While the West is crumbling. In his final video on 100Huntley, Ravi talks with Carey Nieuwhof about pain, suffering and evil and why secular philosophers have it all wrong. 19 May 2020 (29'41") #trilemma #theodicy #Mary #crucifixion #RaviZacharias #Jesus #China #questions #skeptics  #JudeoChristian #ethic #BanksMustDie #UsuryMustDie #BanLandlords #HRMustDie #InterestMustDie #OneHouseOneOwner #OneHouseholdOnceIncome #FeminismMustDie https://youtu.be/pTO38KMMLSw


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