Something Blaring MSM CAN'T Report on in Obama's Endorsement of Creepy B...

Government does not matter. None of us normal people want to be politicians, because none of us have it in us to be professional  liars, cheaters and thieves. We are sane, rational, compassionate human beings with a soul. By Brian Young for HighImpactVlogs 24 April 2020 (13'55") #election #selection #StackedDeck #ItIsABigClubAndYouAreNotInIt #ObamaScandal #HealthcareHoax #DebtSlavery #BanksMustDie #BanBanks #BanUsury #BanInterest #superstition #PoliticiansAreTurds #DemocracyIsImmoral #narcissist #psychopath #mentalhealth


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