
Showing posts from April, 2020

Chinese media slanders Pompeo as ‘enemy of mankind’;US could seek billio...

Enemy of mankind calls Mike Pompeo "enemy of mankind". CCP goes into propaganda overdrive. EU caving to pressure for China. Israel bans test kits from China for inaccuracy. Africa has complicated relationship with China. By China in Focus 29 April 2020 (31'32") #leftismmustdie #businessadvisor #banksmustdie #banbanks #decouple #CCPCoronaVirus #ChinaMustPay #wetmarkets #SweetCrude #oil #Nigeria #PetroChina 

Wrong Again "Doctor!"

President Trump's comments about NASDAQ company's internal UV light treatment were accurate. Analysis by Mark Dice 28 April 2020 (8'06") #UV #CCPvirus #treatment #ultravioletlight JoshDisbrow #NASDAQ

Exclusive: documents reveal delay in CCP virus measures; Virus situation...

#CCPvirus spreading in China. Some states in US opening up - others say not so fast. On advice by WHO Australia only began scanning passengers from Wuhan on 21 January. UK removes China's #Covid19 stats as unreliable. Nigeria files lawsuit against China. By China in Focus 29 April 2020 (29'38") #whistleblower LiWenliang #China #Taiwan #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #banMigration #banLandlords #Wuhan #China #UK #Nigeria #media #PR #communication

Episode 941 Scott Adams: I Overslept. Come Sip With Me.

Professional real qualified front-line doctors vs cartoonist. By Scott Adams 28 April 2020 (46'57") #CCPVirus #masks #DoNotScreamFireInCrowdedTheatre #ACEPAAEM #physician #Cartoonist #DanielErickson #ArtinMasihi #wreckless

Levin: MSM Proves Yet AGAIN They're No Friend to Hardworking Americans

Leftists are such creeps. By Mark Levin for BlazeTV 25 April 2020 #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #LefismMustDie #LeftistsAreCreeps #BanksMustDie #UsuryMustDie #media #journalism #businessAdvisor #MediaMustTransform 

Chief of Defence Reserves, Maj Gen R Andersen speaks on deployment of D...

World class: Ops Corona - South African Defence Force calls up reserve force to fight #CCPVirus 25 April 2020 (2'31") #military #SouthAfrica #calllup #reserve #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #ToTheBorders #FlattenTheTyranny #CCPVirus

Exclusive: China’s early CCP virus prep;CCP pushes propaganda in respons...

Regulators warning investors about risks of Chinese company stocks and accounting scandals. Countries sending faulty Chinese-made masks and medical gear back to China. Chinese property industry in trouble. By China in Focus 25 April 2020 (20'45") #BankOfChina #Covid19IsALie #Covid19HasJustTestedPositiveForFraud #DebunkThisFauci #ChinaLiedPeopleDied

Episode 927 Scott Adams: Is Biden Out of the Race? Kim Jong-Un Brain Dea...

Immigration is racist. Would we have shut down the economy if only young males were dying. World famous coffee with Scott Adams 25 April 2020 (46'31") #dopamine #banmigration #banImmigration #BanLandlords #BanBanks

Something Blaring MSM CAN'T Report on in Obama's Endorsement of Creepy B...

Government does not matter. None of us normal people want to be politicians, because none of us have it in us to be professional  liars, cheaters and thieves. We are sane, rational, compassionate human beings with a soul. By Brian Young for HighImpactVlogs 24 April 2020 (13'55") #election #selection #StackedDeck #ItIsABigClubAndYouAreNotInIt #ObamaScandal #HealthcareHoax #DebtSlavery #BanksMustDie #BanBanks #BanUsury #BanInterest #superstition #PoliticiansAreTurds #DemocracyIsImmoral #narcissist #psychopath #mentalhealth

Trump: America's LAST Republican President

Migration is an abuse - allowing it is the most callous, the most unloving thing a nation can do to individuals from elsewhere promising them a better life. By Felix Rex 24 April 2020 (17'18") #CEO #EconomicKidnapping #DeathPenalty #indenturedSlaveryMustDie #banksmustdie #usurymustdie #rentalslaverymustdie #banbanks #BanLandlords #decouple

Anonymous Message To Bill Gates

2001 Microsoft forced to settle with government and give up monopoly of industry. Following year Bill Gates began moving money into pharmaceuticals. By Covid19 Expert 29 March 2020 (4'13") #WeDoNotForgiveWeDoNotForget

France probes ties with Wuhan lab; missing citizen journalist reappears;...

France helped build Wuhan #CCPVirus lab - but then excluded. Sweden's second largest city Gothenburg and birth city of Volo cancels sister city relationship with Shanghai after 32 years. By China in Focus 24 April 2020 (29'09") #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #CCPVirus #ChinaVirus #ChinaFlu #Wuflu #ChineseFlu #WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanFlu #batvirus #ChinaMustPay #Badiucao #gadfly

China Just Locked Down AGAIN, Massive City Of 10M, Democrats See Huge Ad...

China has put large lockdown in place. Analysis by Tim Pool 23 April 2020 (11'05") #CCPVirus #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay

Confronting China’s Coronavirus Propaganda & Huawei, and Boosting Americ...

5G networks are not safe. Chinese Communist Party must transform - leftism must die. Commissioner Brendan Carr of the Federal Communications Commission interviewed by Jan Jekielek for American Thought Leaders 24 April 2020 (37'49") #Huawei #ZTE #CommunistControl #ChinaMobile #ChinaTelecom #FCC #legal #CCP #CCPVirus #China #banksMustdie #WHO #decouple

Muslims Prove the Quran Was Corrupted!

Muslims complain an whimper when Islam is criticised, but gladly criticise your religion. Why the hypocrisy. By David Wood 23 April 2020 (10'55") #Islam #Muslim #Quran #ShredTheQuran 

CDC's Numbers 100% Destroyed by Street Dude With a Piece of Cardboard

Johns Hopkins fear porn map unduly influenced and padded. UO7.1 and UO7.2 issued by WHO Massively inflated death count numbers. 80% false positive - laboratory stats are not trustworthy. By Brian Young for HighImpactVlogs 23 April 2020 (11'55") #banksMustDie #CorporateOligarch #PRArm #militaryIndustrialComplex #debunkthisFauci 

United States Mint Releases 2020 American Samoa Quarter featuring BATS!

America's new quarter, debuted in February 2020, featuring mom and child threatened Samoan fruit bats. Sculpted by Phebe Hemphill. Report by Charles Morgan for coinweek 3 February 2020 #bats #coin #mint 

Mainstream Media IMPLODING as Outlets Suffer RECORD JOB LOSSES!!!

Fake mainstream media imploding. Analysis by Dr Steve Turley 22 April 2020 (9'00") #corporate #mainstream #media #journalism #collapse #communication

'The Great Quarantine Revival': 100,000 Choose Christ During Virtual an...

People choose Christ all over the world. Wendy interviews Pulse's Nick Hall for CBN News 23 April 2020 (6'33") #JesusIsGod #JesusLoveYou #global #revival #FindJesus #suffering #heaven #hell

St George's Day Choir of the Nation


Exclusive: Harbin city's virus cases may be 200x official figure; US sla...

Sweden to close CCP Trojan horses. Majority of Americans not happy with Chinese Communist Party. By China in Focus 23 April 2020 (21'37") #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #banlandlords #leftismmustdie #businessadvisor #banksmustdie #banbanks #decouple #CCPCoronaVirus #ChinaMustPay #wetmarkets 

Testing Mattresses with Warren Buffett

Bill and Warren innocently testing mattresses 6 June 2017 (3'24") #matress 

NWO Is Here! Kill Gates Patents Human Slavery Mark of the Beast System ...

Every major company in the world with the exact same commercial, exact same music and exact same propaganda.The Dollar Vigilante discusses the #666 beast patent mind control 21 April 2020 (41'07") #media #marketing #businessadvisor #banksmustdie #vaxxdamage #propaganda #banlandlords #usurymustdie

Episode 929 Scott Adams: The Green New Deal is Dead. Joe Biden Still Hid...

Andrew Cuomo's daughter asks him a humanising question. #CCPvirus model death estimate is only up to August? Iranian gunboats harassing Americans. Joe Biden Insult Bot @BidenInsultBot. Green New Deal decimated by Michael Moore film. WaPo's Philip Rucker promotes massively debunked fake news. Get the latest news with Scott Adams 23 April 2020 (1°06'57") #NewYork #Cuomo #IranianAggression #SleepyJoeBiden #MichaelMoore #GreenNewDeal #WaPoIsFakeNews #WuFlu #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #banbanks

UflyTV Shorts Blue Angels FatAlbert JATO Take Off

Blue Angels' Fat Albert JATO take off by sleepingdogtv 19 August 2017 (1'16") #pray #TheAngelsAreComing #BlueAngels

BOOM! Fauci Sweating Bullets! Trump Investigating His $3.7 Million Obama...

Obama and Fauci in on the #Covid19 scam - transferred $3.7 million to Wuhan lab in 2015. By Gary Franchi for NNN 18 April 2020 (12'28") #ObamaScandal #LockObamaUp #LockFauciUp #Covid19IsALie #WuFlu #WuhanFlu #FlattenTheTyranny #Covid19Hoax #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #warcriminal

Episode 928 Scott Adams: Free College, Teach Math to Pundits and Demise ...

Whiteboardi session with Scott: Has anybody seen Joe Biden. Still nothing. Has Black Lives Matter just disappeared. Best tell for a hoax: it's a little bit too on the nose. Just too perfectly fits leftist narrative. By Scott Adams 21 April 2020 (40'20") #SleepyJoeBiden #leftismMustDie #oxygen #CovidIsALief #FlatternTheTyranny #5GKills

Exclusive: documents reveal coverup of new virus outbreak; Major changes...

#CCPVirus is spreading in China. USA introduces legislation allowing citizens to sue Chinese Communist Party for damages caused. Any damages. By China in Focus 22 April 2020 #banbanks #decouple #CCPCoronaVirus #ChinaMustPay #wetmarkets #SueChina #FlattenTheTyranny

Episode 926 Scott Adams: Join Me to Ease Into a Great Night of Sleep. Ye...

Joe Biden hasn't been seen live for at least three days. If this is true he's busy deciding to bail. Scott Adams evening news-wrap. President Trump's Coronavirus Task Force gets and A+ 21 April 2020 #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #WuFlu #WuhanFlu #batvirus #ObamaScandal #SleepyJoeBiden 

#PATRIOTSDAY: The White Coats Are Coming! G_tes P_tent #W02020060606

The white coats are coming. Paul Revere rides again. From Antifia wearing face masks to medical global tyranny. Globalist medical agenda. By You Are Free TV 20 April 2020 (42'50") #PaulRevere #NuclearWar #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #bioweapon #plandemic #scamdecmic #TinyTonyFauci #BillGatesDeathJab #FlattenTheTyranny #5G #5GCausesCovid19

What will the world look like after the pandemic? | COVID-19 Special

Toilet paper shortage was simple supply delivery problem: commercial vs home as people suddenly needed to use toilet paper at home that used to be supplied by their businesses. People are way more sociable and willing to help each other that the fakestream media and Hollywood tries to portray. Covid19 will end neoliberalsim. Historian Rutger Bergman 18 April 2020 (10'34") interviewed by Deutsche Welle #Covid19IsAlie #FlattenTheTyranny #ChinaLiedPeopleDied

Beijing district declared 'high risk' for CCP virus; Document reveals re...

#CCPCoronaVirus worsening in China - community spread now a fact, human to human transmission. World reconsidering relationship with China. By China in Focus 21 April 2020 (29'49") #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #FlattentTheTyranny #ChinaMustPay #batvirus #CCPCoronaVirus #decouple #Bild #CoronaVirusBill  

Happy 94th Birthday to the Queen!

Queen Elizabeth 94 on 21 April 2020 by The Royal Family Channel (3'11") #LockdownBirthday 

Oil Prices Go NEGATIVE, Hundreds Of Oil Companies Face Collapse, Economy...

Only jobs left: Dudes ranting on internet - winging online for money. Artificial collapse of the economy. World heading for complete unemployment. Food banks collapsing. Desperation, dwindling resources - war. By Tim Pool 21 April 2020 (12'08") #riot #revolt #war #oil #banTraffic #BanCarsForever #BanCubiclism #BanOfficism #banmigration #businessadvisor #oxygen #sweetair #air #banbanks #employerismMustDie #HRMustDies #BanUsury #banLandlords #feminismMustDie #Banksmustdie #economy #media #bankrupt 

Pelosi : Let Them Eat Ice Cream

"Let them eat ice cream," Marie Antoinette. re-published by Tony Heller 20 April 2020 (1'15") #starvation #blackflag #revolt #Covid10IsALie #FlatternTheTyranny #NancyPelosi #LeftistsAreCreeps

Forever Diamonds | Carte Blanche | M-Net

It's all about the diamonds. By Carte Blanche 16 April 2020 (12'31") #diamonds #DeBeers #carat #GovernmentMustDie #businessAdvisor #khoisan #mafia #SicilianMafia #Oppenheimer #Weskus #Eureka   #leftismmustdie #civildisobedience #usurymustdie #banbanks #employerismmustdie #rentalslaverymustdie

Senior Officers visit Alex

Senior South African military officers visit Alex. By SANDF 20 April 2020 (5'21") #SouthAfrica #Covid19IsALie #chaplain #Alexandra #township #batvirus #ChinaMustPay #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #communication #internalcommunication #BanksMustDie #BanLandlords #businessadvisor #flattenTheTyranny #civildisobedience #banbanks

They Walk Among Us!

Joe Biden thinks he's got a chance announces White House transition team. Analysis by Mark Dice 21 April 2020 (6'25") #Covid19IsAlie #SleepyJoeBiden #LeftismMustDie #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #MediaMatters #twitter #socialdistancing #google #banksmustdie #usurymustdie #salvation

German tabloid 'Bild' demands China pay coronavirus damages | DW News

Bild draws up China's #CCPCoronaVirus bill - € 149 billion. China not happy. Interview with Julian Reichelt, Editor-in-Chief, Bild newspaper. By Deutsche Welle 18 April 2020 (10'11') #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #CCPCoronaVirus #Banlandlords 

MSM Launches a Deceptive Attack on Michigan Protesters

Psyop: Have a liar, stick him in front of a camera and have him tell lies. Political parasite: Puppet of the banking elite. Puppet of the Federal Reserve Zionist banking cartel. Just like Obama. By HighImpactVlogs 19 April 2020 (12'27") #ObamaScandal #GretchenWhitmer #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #StateOfEmergency #ChinaMustPay #covid19 #blackflag #flattentheTyranny #batvirus #Wuflu #ChinaIsRacist

Corona RITUAL Predictive Programming from 2012

Never trust government. Governments kill. Governments are death cults. Government is the worst thing that ever happened to mankind. Predictive programming - and manufacturing consent. By HighImpactVlogs 19 April 2020 (59"43") #vaxxdamage #abortion #vaccineskill #BillGatesDeathJab #psyop #mentalhealth #insantiy #CultOfPersonality #CognitiveDissonance #HIV #AIDS #monetaryslaveryMustDie #internationalbankingMustDie

This is TOO FREAKIN' CREEPY - Everybody Needs to SEE This!!

It's a psyop - do not drop your guard. They're selling you a religion. They want you to given them your authority. By HighImpactVlogs 18 April 2020 (27'20") #FlattenTheTyranny #AllJobsAreEssential #Revolt 

Nancy Pelosi RIDICULED for EMBARRASSING Political BLUNDER On National TV!!!

Nancy Pelosi is the most callous women on the planet. By Dr Steve Turley 16 April 2020 (11'54") #MarieAntoinette #LeftistsAreCreeps #banbanks #banlandlords #usurymustdie #rentalslaverymustdie 

China knew!

China knew. Diamond and Silk 17 April 2020 (16'16") #ChinaNew #FlattenTheTyranny #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #CCPCoronaVirus #ChineseVirus #WuFlu #covid19 #murder

How to Hold the Chinese Regime Accountable for COVID 19; Growing Racism ...

Reparations, refunding and racism in China. Jan Jekielek interviews Dr Anders Corr for American Thought Leaders - The Epoch Times 18 April 2020 (NZT) (57'13") #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #Wuflu #ChineseFlu #WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanFlu #KungFlu #batvirus #media #journalism #communication #businessadvisor #decouple #banmigration #rentalslaverymustdie #civildisobedience #banlandlords #leftismmustdie #Zoom #ChinaIsRacist #ChineseVirus #CCPVirus #CCPCoronaVirus #Reparations #banksmustdie #banbanks

PROOF China Covered Up Coronavirus | Thai-China Meme War

Zoom is not safe. Chinese Communist Party created global pandemic now pushing propaganda to make world believe they saved them from it. By Chris Chapell for China Uncensored 18 March 2020 (14'09") #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #Wuflu #ChineseFlu #WuhanCoronavirus #WuhanFlu #KungFlu #batvirus #media #journalism #communication #businessadvisor #decouple #banmigration #rentalslaverymustdie #civildisobedience #banlandlords #leftismmustdie #Zoom #ChinaIsRac

"Gretchen Whitmer Is A Ghoul" - Tucker Carlson & JD Vance On MI Gov Bann...

Gretchen Whitmer hates you. Tucker Carlson published by no one 17 April 2020 (7'47") #hate #murder #murderer #GretchenWhitmer #Auschwitz #Abortion #epidemiology #deathpenalty #banlandlords #batvirus #batvirus #leftismmustdie #ccpcoronavirus #chinamustpay

Canada to CRIMINALIZE "Disinformation"? - Real Lawyer Explains - Viva Fr...

Canada wants to make new laws to combat #CCPCoronaVirus fake news. Vlawg by Viva Frei 17 April 2020 (10'25") #ChinaLiedPeopleDie #leftismmustdie #banbanks #banlandlords #banemployers #usurymustdie #HRMustDie #flattenthetyranny #batvirus #ChineLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #businessadvisor #civildisobedience #wuhanflu #employerismmustdie #kungflu #rentalslaverymustdie  

Proof that the Chinese government is Lying!

Africans not happy about China's racism. By serpentza 17 April 2020 (17'41") #Covid19 #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #ChinaIsRacist #CCPCoronaVirus #ChinaMustPay #Africans #CCP #China

CCP increases virus death toll by 50%; Governments around the world dema...

China's numbers are low, Beijing is low, Shanghai is low. America takes a big hit. Suddenly today CCP adds 50% to their #CCPCoronaVirus infection numbers. By China in Focus 18 April 2020 (NZT) (24'24") #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #Covid19 #leftismmustdie #banbanks #banlandlords #banemployers #usurymustdie #HRMustDie #flattenthetyranny #batvirus #ChineLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #businessadvisor #civildisobedience #wuhanflu #employerismmustdie #kungflu #rentalslaverymustdie


Queers protest humanitarian organisation in Central Park for pro-normal stance. Drag queens still want to get their hands on your children lockdown notwithstanding. By Mark Dice 16 April 2020 (6'36") #leftismmustdie #banbanks #banlandlords #banemployers #usurymustdie #HRMustDie #flattenthetyranny #batvirus #ChineLiedPeopleDied #ChinaMustPay #businessadvisor #civildisobedience #wuhanflu #employerismmustdie #kungflu #rentalslaverymustdie

Dr. SHIVA LIVE: Media FORCED to Report High DOSE Vitamin C Saves ER Doctor.

Dr Shiva live now on high does Vitamin C as weapon against covid19. 18 April 2020 (NZT) #medicine #inflammation #systems #compounds #ChinaLiedPeopleDied #chinaMustPay #batvirus #CCPCoronaVirus #leftismmustdie #banlandlords #immunesystem #immunity #vaccinesdamage #vaccineskill #personalisedmedicine #banksmustdie #rentalslaverymustdie #flattenthetyranny #businessadvisor #pathogens #media