FULL VIDEO: President Trump Speaks To Media Ahead of New Years Celebrati...

This will not be Benghazi - some of our greatest warriors got in quickly. I want peace. Iran should want peace too. And I hope Kim sends me a nice vase for Christmas. We have a deal - he signed a contract. I want a vase. Nancy Pelosi is highly overrated. Adam Schiff is corrupt. Merkel is a great woman - but why isn't she putting up money. China phase 1 deal coming. President Trump. Published by Grant Benson 31 December 2019 (9'34") #ObamaScandal #BidenScandal #Ukraine #LockJoeBidenUp #LockHillaryClintonUp #Burisma #IranianAggression #NorthKorea #China #Macron #Merkel #Pelosi #PelosiScandal #Vaping #Shampeachment #NATO #trade #China


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