�� Steve Bannon's Warning On China Trade War (w/ Kyle Bass) | Real Vision...

China's goal is to be a world hegemonic power. Mystery of the Chinese market has always drawn in the West - all built on house of sand. All forces of Chinese government aligned against USA. Three great theories of geopolitics - Mahan,  Mackinder and Spykman. Same culprits at work as during 2008 financial debacle. Steve Bannon interviewed by Kyle Bass for Real Vision Finance 22 August 2019 (54'00") #OneBeltOneRoad #SilkRoad #Strategy #Geopolitics #HedgeFunds #GovernmentEntities #CommercialBanks #InvestmentBanks #2008 #China #HouseOfSand #Strategy #Mahan #Mackinder #Spykman


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