
Showing posts from August, 2019

�� Steve Bannon's Take On China's Elite Economic Warfare (w/ Kyle Bass)

How China manages barbarians. Kyle Bass interviews Steve Bannon27 August 2019 (14'10")   #TributaryState #HillbillyEulogies #China #EconomicWarfare #economy #geopolitics

�� China & The Possibility of Destructive Civil War (w/ TL Tsim) | Real V...

FLASHBACK: Civil war in China.  Hong Kong-based political analyst TL Tsim (4 November 2016) on Real Vision. #China #CivilWar #HongKong #SinoBritish #ChineseDynasties #1997 #2047 #mortgages #law #commonlaw #Britain

�� Kyle Bass Explains The Chinese Currency Crisis As An Investment Opport...

China in trouble. Raoul Pal interviews Kyle Bass, CIO of Hayman Capital for Real Vision Finance 7 June 2019 (40'26") (recorded 24 April 2019) #OvervaluedProperty #AsymmetricTrade #China #synchronicity #risk

�� Exiled Chinese Billionaire's Accusations of China (w/ Guo Wengui & Kyl...

Just like  New Zealand CCP described as worse than government kleptocracy in Africa. Bank of China identified as mafia-level money launderers and spies. Chinese Communist Party (CCP).  Kyle Bass sits down with infamous Chinese businessman Guo Wengui, also known as known as “Miles Kwok 28 August 2019 (52'47")  #Chinglish #China #Mafia #MilesKwok #GuoWengui #MoneyLaundering #Spies #BankOfChina #politics #culture #army #MSS #ChineseSecretService #JackMa #HNA #FanBingBing # kleptocracy #NewZealand #corruption

Brazil’s Bolsonaro HUMILIATES Macron over Amazon Fires!!!

Dr Turley analyses the lying left's favourite hoax. 29 August 2019 (10'19") #Macron #DeadPhotographer #Bolsonaro #NotreDame #fire #hypocrite #bigot #wife #wives #FrenchWomen #BrazilianWomen #France #Brazil #ethics #MarxistMedia #media #journalism #PR

The Truth About the Hong Kong Protests

Chi-Nazi, T iananmenII. Analysis by Paul Watson 29 August 2019 (7'26") #China #CCP #Collapse #HongKong #umbrella#ChiNazi #Tiananmen #LeftismMustDie 

TRUMP VS MODI - Epic Handshake Battle | Full Analysis

The most beautiful handshake in the history of the world. Analysis by The Charisma Matrix 29 August 2019 (7'37") #improv #Modi #India #TheMostBeautifulHandshakeInTheHistoryOfTheWorld #Handshake #HighStatus #Mood #RealPro #CollectiveMood #BodyLanguage #mentalHealth

Conversation with "Vagina Warrior"

Rapists deserve the death penalty. Conversations with Vagina Warrior. By Apologia Studios 26 July 2019 (16'54") #deathpenalty #rape #murder #abortion

CROWDER CONFRONTS: Convicted Antifa Thug! | Louder with Crowder

What do I need to do, as a conservative person, to speak my mind without the threat of violence, sanction, or loss of employment from leftists. Steven Crowder goes after Antifa thug 28 August 2019 (11'59") #LeftismMustDie

Can You be a Gay Christian? | EXTENDED Interview

The meaning of life - meet Christ your new manager. By 700 Club Interactive 19 August 2019  (17'34") #repent #DidYouMeetANewGuy #TheMeaningOfLife #MeetYourNewManager #Love #tears #eternalLife #Bible #God #symphony

August 25, 2019 - Pastor Carter Conlon - It's Time For The Weak To Rise

Pastor Carter Conlon on Psalm 59 27 August 2019 from Times Square Church New York (42'21")    #DelivrUsFromOurEnemies   #God   #dogs   #howling   #refuge   #mercy   #endtimes   #morality   #repent  

Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun (Official Music Video)

If the offer is shun you might as well be walking on the sun. By  Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun (Official Music Video).  Artist: Smash Mouth; Album: Fush Yu Mang; Released: 1997; Genre: Alternative/Indie; Awards: Billboard Music Award for Pop Video of the Year;Nominations: Billboard Music Award for Modern Rock Track of the Year #offer #deal #tariffs #China

Trade War Escalates After China Puts Tariffs on US | China Uncensored

Chinese aggression continues  - call goes out for companies to leave China. By Dave Chappell for China Uncensored 28 August 2019 (7'51") #China #spat #tariffs

Dinesh D'Souza debunks "sophisticated lies" in NYT's 1619 Project

Leftists are the main defenders of slavery - both old and modern indentured forms. Plantation slavery was destroyed after the Civil War and could therefore not be central to America's prosperity. Discredited leftist propaganda publication's - The New York Times's - 1619 Project conceals the role leftists play in promoting and protecting slavery. This is the elephant - or perhaps we should say the donkey - in the living room. Dinesh interviewed by Laura Ingraham for Fox News 23 August 2019 #slavery #indenturedSlavery #usury #LookAtSlaveryToday #WageSlavery #CubileSlavery #OfficeWork #SlaveryMustDie #China

Satan Is NOT Hidden!

Satan in your face, in your society, your schools, your universities.  The left  will pull down your cathedrals through the gravity of your own ethics. Analysis by Stefan Molyneux 25 August 2019 (18'40") #LeftismMustDie #paedophiles #predators #hypocrites #deviant #KarlMarx #exploitation #Sarte #Brecht #SimoneDeBeauvoir #FeminismMustDie #HellScape #Falsehood #power #powergrab #manipulation #RulesForRadicals #SaulAlinsky #HumanDegradation #rape #ethics #morality #mentalhealth #God #Nietzsche #Foucault

Boris Suspends UK Parliament; Liberals FREAK OUT As UK Closer to Brexit!!!

UK PM requests Queen suspend parliament to mid-October, days before Brexit. All legislative activities suspended. Analysis by Dr Steve Turley 29 August 2019 (11'57")  #Brexit   #reMoaners   #parliament   #uk   #eu

Poor Poor New York Times!

New York Times.  It ain't so much fun when the rabbit's got a gun. Analysis by Stefan Molyneux 28 August 2019 (19'42") #MediaMatters #media #mediamanagement #journalism #presstitutes  #leftismmustdie

Their Week So Far ��

New York Times has a bed bug problem - mainstream media's hypocrisy problem - the way of anything run by leftists. Bed bug invites professor over. Analysis by Mark Dice 28 August 2019 (5'26") #NewYorkTimes #bedbug #hygiene #FakeNews #journalism #media #mediamanagement  #trust #ethics #MainstreamMediaMustDie

Royals' jet travel ‘exposes staggering hypocrisy of new green elites'

We're tired of being lectured to by hypocritical green elites.  Spiked Editor Brendan O’Neill has joined criticism of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex for their use of private jets for holidays.  By Sky News Australia 20 August 2019 #climatehoax #greenelites #leftismmustdie #Woke #WokeIsDead #privilege #epstein #ethics 

�� Steve Bannon's Warning On China Trade War (w/ Kyle Bass) | Real Vision...

China's goal is to be a world hegemonic power.  Mystery of the Chinese market has always drawn in the West - all built on house of sand. All forces of Chinese government aligned against USA. Three great theories of geopolitics - Mahan,  Mackinder and Spykman. Same culprits at work as during 2008 financial debacle. Steve Bannon interviewed by Kyle Bass for Real Vision Finance 22 August 2019 (54'00") #OneBeltOneRoad #SilkRoad #Strategy #Geopolitics  #HedgeFunds #GovernmentEntities #CommercialBanks #InvestmentBanks #2008 #China #HouseOfSand #Strategy #Mahan #Mackinder #Spykman

TRUDEAU Romantically Kisses Melania IN FRONT OF TRUMP | Here's What REAL...

Love is in the air as G7 wives come out for a smooch. Analysis by The Charisma Matrix 27 August 2019 (6'07") #Melania #BrigitteMacron #kiss #smooch #G7 #BodyLanguage

Conway: Trump will not allow China to play Americans for 'fools'

China's has screwed the world - now confused as the US and world continues to withdraw investment.  Analysis by President Trump 27 August 2019 (14'26") #China #Trade #StolenIntellectualProperty #HongKong #ChinaPlayingTheFool #investment #suffering #agriculture #economy 

Bernie Training Video Extended Edition

When leftists try getting fit like President Trump. By @CarpeDonktum 27 August 2019  (1'00") #CrazyBernie #training #fitness #LeftismMustDie

Gutfeld on CNN saying Trump is worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao

Unhinged leftists liken President Trump to the world's  most egregious  mass murderers: Hitler, Stalin and Mao. Analysis by Greg Gutfield 27 August 2019 (9'07") #LeftismMustDie #MediaBias #Hitler #Stalin #Mao 

Tucker Investigates: How did Chris Cuomo get into Yale?

Fake meritocracy run by leftists mus be transformed - leftism must die. Analysis by Tucker Carlson for Fox News 9 July 2019 (6'56") #Fredo #CookingTheBooks #DefraudingTaxPayers #Fraud #TransformUniversities #ClassSystem #LeftismMustDie #Stanford #GeorgeTown #Yale #IvyLeague #Admission #PigLatin


The far left media's descent into madness. Analysis by Mark Dice 27 August 2019 (5'47")  #FakeNews   #CNN   #LeftismMustDie   #War   #Pelosi   #punch  

Climate Change Is Real

Ultra-far-left still believe in climate change. By The United Spot 27 August 2019 (2'18") #ClimateHoax #Tribulation #Pelosi #GodConstrolsTheWeather

Liberal Journalist Thinks She Can Buy A Firearm Easily, Gets A Rude Awak...

Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977

Democrat Says We Need Illegal Immigrants To "Mow Our Lawns"

Who's going to clean your toilet. Ever wonder why leftists are so hung up on open migration - they want you as free labour. Weird creepy ivory tower coastal elites. Ban migration - go home, stay home, fight for your turf, make your own countries great again. Prosecute foreign intelligence agencies. Analysis by Tim Pool 23 August 2019 (10'42") #LeftistsAreCreepy #migrants #migration #StayInYourOwnCountry #FightForYourTurf #LeftismMustDie #slavery #indenturedSlavery

Faith Nation: August 23, 2019

President Trump heads to dubious G7 as America's growth hits all time high amidst rest of the world in severe slowdown and spectre of recession. Talk of tariffs on French wine. Talk of Russia joining. Reason for G7's existence in question. Central Banks must die. By CBN News 23 August 2019 (28'30")  #G7   #France   #India   #Germany   #Japan   #Britiain   #Brexit   #Canada   #Macron   #DigitalServices   #economy   #future   #USA   #growth   #workers   #employment  

Rampant Racism EXPOSED at The New York Times!!!

Rampant and vile racism exposed at leading ultra leftist propaganda publication  The  New York Times. By Dr Steve Turley  22 August 2019 (9'55") #media #journalism #propaganda #liberalism #progressive #NewYorkTimes #NewsPaper #business #leftismMustDie

Los Angeles is a Sh*thole

Los Angeles #sh!thole Analysis by Paul Watson 18 August 2019 (13'15") 

Chinese Telecom Giant Huawei Installs Cameras Across Uganda's Capital

Huawei  installs cameras across Kampala. By VOA News 17 August 2019 (2'55") #China #cameras #Huawei #Uganda #surveillance

Greg Laurie's SoCal Harvest Crusade to Mark 30th Anniversary, Aug. 23 - ...

Do it - make your peace with Christ. CBN News interviews  Greg Laurie on SoCal Harvest Crusade to mark 30th anniversary, Aug. 23 - 25. 16 August 2019 (8'40") #Jesus #Christ #God #GodLovesYou #JesusLovesYou #repent #AcceptChrist 

NZ carbon neutral policy 'absurd'

New Zealand's unelected far left prime minister labelled a hypocrite, infantile, Winston Peters sensible. By Sky News Australia 15 August 2019 (5'18") #ArdernScandal #Jobs #NoCareerPathInNewZealand #UnemploymentNewZealand #Emission #hypocrite #bigot #ClimateHoax #NewZealand #China

AL Pacino Reacts to Chris Cuomo


"MYSTERIOUS!" All of MSM NOW Singing the Same Tune on Epstein "OFFICIAL...

Fake mainstream leftist corporatist media all singing the same tune on Epstein. By HighImpactVlogs 16 August 2019 (6'42") #FakeNews #MainstreamMedia #CorporatistMedia #LeftistMedia #LeftismMustDie #ReformTheMedia #TransformTheMedia

Epstein Strangled? An ER Doctor Weighs In

Stefan discusses  #E pstein #neckinjury #Arkancide  #Mossad with Dr Kevin Wacasey 16 August 2019 (27'14") #MultipleBrokenBones #hanging #hangmansfracture #SaddamHussein #medical #law #legalissues #ClintonScandal #ObamaScandal #LeftismMustDie


Party with Jesus by Strong for Christ Fitness 27 February 2018 (1 ° 00'33") #God #Christ #Jesus #Creator #Creation #Created #GodLovesYou

He Took It Personally ��

Scaramucci's feelings have been hurt - does doing liberal media tour repeating tired leftist talking points. Analysis by Mark Dice 16 August 2019 (4'48") #WhiteHouse #communication #media # Scaramucci #fredo

He Asked For It ��


Atheists are FURIOUS that Ken Ham did THIS!

The "box" that restarted life 2348 BC on full size display. By Living Waters 8 August 2019 (3'45")  #ship   #shipping   #animalhealth   #maritime   #shipbuilding   #Noah   #Ark   #NoahsArk   #GodLovesYou   

Hannity: Biden stumbles over his words at almost every event

Hannity looks at #creepy #sleepy #crazy Joe Biden's latest #ObamaScandal level gaffe. For Fox News 13 August 2019 (4'43") #CreepyJoe #SleepJoe #CrazyJoe #predator #segregation #KKK #ObamaScandal #LeftismMustDie 

RECKLESS LOVE (Official Live Version) - Cory Asbury w/ Story Behind the ...

Listen all the way to the end. By Bethel Music 23 November 2017 (11'56") #GodLovesYou

Jeffrey Epstein’s Death is a Crisis!

Kill-shot to the rule of law: The Epstein dog and pony show is  the final  crisis  for  trust,  for  civilisation itself,  for  the rule of law, for peace, safety and security.  Epstein the first to die in a New York city jail for a very long time. Analysis by Stefan Molyneux 11 August 2019 (5'27") #crisis #trust #law #civilisation #media #culture #war #civilwar #killshot #ruleoflaw #NationalSecurity #dogandponyshow

"I do not Allow a Woman to Teach..." - John MacArthur Sermon on 1 Timoth...

Speak out for God. Women have always desired to rule. Sermon by Dr John MacArthur 23 January 2011 (22'25") #authority #power #usurp #desire #abuse #women #silence #subjection #apostle #God #Jesus

New Zealand PM Wants Right to Armed Self-Defense To Be Government-Grante...

New Zealand's despotic far left unelected prime minister ain't getting guns. By MRCTV 1 August 2019 (8'35")#ArdernMustGo #JacindaArdern #PolPot #AdolfHitler #MaoTseTung #JosephStalin #VladimirLeni #Muhammad #Islam #GunGrabber #GunRights #civilwar #war #TheStruggle #NewZealand

Final Moments With Jeffrey Epstein

#Arkancide by The United Spot 10 August 2019 (2'30") #ClintonBodyCount #Mossad #MI6 #NationalSecurity #Espstein 

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Paul Watson analyses the Epstein Arkancide (beware: some language - but we are dealing with leftists). 10 August 2019 (4'10")  #CameraMalfunction   #Guards   #Police   #Mossad   #prison   #ClintonBodyCount   #SuicideWatch   #FusionGPS   #Russia   #LolitaExpres   #LegalIssues   #ethics