
Showing posts from February, 2020

Moonshine Bandits - Pass Me The Ammo

Pass me the ammo, Moonshine Bandits 5 July 2014 (3'17") #motivational 

Being in God’s perfect will brings confidence and peace. Nairobi, Kenya ...

Phillip Blair preaching in Nairobi, Kenya. Torch of Christ Ministries 29 February 2020 (25'01")  #Jesus   #God   #DoNotRunFromGod   #repent   #rescue   #salvation   #business   #ComeHome   #rock   #freedom  

Trump Just Won MAJOR Court Victories Proving Impeachment Was BUNK, Trump...

Trump justified to look into Biden corruption in Ukraine. Analysis by Tim Pool 29 February 2020 (25'41") #unpeachment #expunged #whereishunterbiden #masturpeachment #masturpeachers #impeachment #impeachmenthoax #pencilneck #ShiftySchiff #CrazyPelosi #Ukraine #whistleblower #law #legalissues #fraud #corruption #leftismmustdie #media #press #communication #thedevilIsGonnaHang

WHO IS ITALO FERREIRA? A Glimpse Into The Life Of The Worlds Best Surfer...

I remember going to school and a teacher asking me what's most important to me. And I told him surfing. That was probably the wrong answer. I got an F on that answer. Vlog by Jackson, Tina and Jamie (Jamie O'Brien Vlogs - Who is JOB) 1 March 2020 (23'10") #psyche #stoke-ed #goodEnergy #surfing #vlogging #God #Jesus #creation #waves #Hawaii #northshore #pipeline #brazil #loveAndASurfboard 

NZ voters ‘not fooled’ by Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Arden's not fooling anybody - please can we become full part of Australia. By Peta Credlin for Sky News 27 February 2020 (6'58") #ArdernScandal #KiwiCriminals #law #GeoPolitics #Border #BorderWall #unwed #unwanted #unelected 

Coronavirus, Syria conflict, India protests, Democratic primary

Batvirus contagion and fear in Iran - and Mecca and Medina shut. By France 24 28 February 2020 (43'05") #batvirus #coronavirus #Iran #Saudi #Mecca #Medina

The Great Migration | Carte Blanche | M-Net

FLASHBACK: Out of the pan into the fire - giving up their luxury lives in the homeland for New Zealand. By Carte Blanche 20 May 2019 (9'25") #BanMigration #ImmigrationMustDie #leftismmustdie #WeWantOurStuffBack #BanLandlords #DiversityMustDie #BrainDrain #ethics #LivingTheDream

DISGUSTING: Two Young Women Post TikTok Video On Getting An Abortion

#LeftismMustDie #MurderMustDie By Ben Shapiro for The Daily Wire 28 February 2020 (5'55") (warning: confronting) #Abortion #Murder #MentalHealth #business #businessAdvisor #femininity #motherhood

Gutfeld on last night's disastrous debate

Previewing death - leftists fighting over which coffin they're going to get buried in. The Five for Fox 26 February 2020 (10'26") #LeftismIsDead #coffin 

Bernie’s Campaign Is Funded By The Very Concentrations Of Power & Wealth...

There's no such thing as a poor commie. By Conservative Resurgence 28 February 2020 (12'42") #business #EmployerismMustDie #bigots #hypocrites #BernieBros #TechBros #HRMustDie #usuaryMustDie #UsuryMustDie #RentSlaveryMustdie #Beliefs #expectations #mentalhealth #SocietalHealth #BusinessAdvisor #media #communication #journalism #economy #LeftismMustdie #TechBros #BernieBros 

The Supernatural Power Of Prayer | WATCH THIS BEFORE YOU PRAY!!

God knows what your situation is - but He will not get involved until you ask. Child of God - you are not alone. Ask Jesus - the God of the universe - to help you. Psalm 91:11. By Lion of Judah 28 February 2020 (13'40") #Bible #Prayer #Jesus #God 

Jesse Cook - Viva - Live

Last month we rolled into this cool television studio in Jacksonville. The lighting grid looked like a star destroyer from Star Wars, so I thought we'd better film a song there. Jesse Cook doing Viva live 29 February 2020 (NZT) (6'03")  #guitar  

W.H.O. Has a Dark Secret About Coronavirus & US Health Officials Hold TO...

Lisa Haven reports batvirus could trigger WHOs PEFs bonds and cause absolute losses for its investors 26 February 2020 (8'11") #BanLandlords #BatvirusPrimeMinisterMustGo #ShutTheBorderJacinda #Batvirus #CornonaVirus #NewZealand #infected #pandemic #ShutTheBorderJacinda #BatvirusPrimeMinister #NewZeland 

Coronavirus: China Cancels Huge Government Meeting

China says coronavirus is declining. World Health Organization claims it has peaked - yet Chinese leaders just cancelled the “Two Sessions” meeting - the largest political meeting of the year. By Shelley  Zhang for China Uncensored 26 February 2020 (6'48") #BanLandlords #BatvirusPrimeMinisterMustGo #ShutTheBorderJacinda #Batvirus #CornonaVirus #NewZealand #infected #pandemic #ShutTheBorderJacinda #BatvirusPrimeMinister #NewZeland 


#LeftismIsDead Analysis by Mark Dice 25 February 2020 (6'00") #Tokoloshe

San Francisco Declares EMERGENCY Over Coronavirus, CDC Says Its Coming, ...

Batvirus incubation period closer to a month than 14 days. Block the border Jacinda Arden. Stop putting money over people. Government dragging feet. By Tim Pool 26 February 2020 (20'12") #BanLandlords #BatvirusPrimeMinisterMustGo #ShutTheBorderJacinda #Batvirus #CornonaVirus #NewZealand #infected #pandemic #ShutTheBorderJacinda #BatvirusPrimeMinister #NewZeland

From lesbian to Jesus Christ: Anna's testimony of redemption

God saved me from my sin when I repented - ex-lesbian (warning: confronting). By Torch of Christ Ministries 26 February 2020 (16'33")  #God   #Jesus   #lesbian   #repent   #sex   #mentalhealth   #victimised   #anger   #rebellion   #leftismmustdie   #businessadvisor   #banlandlords  

Donald Trump greeted by huge crowds during official visit to India

President Trump in India. 24 February 2020 (7'37") #India

Mark Steyn reacts to CNN's Russia panic, Biden's arrest story

Joe Biden identified as fantasist for claims he was arrested in South Africa. CNN identified as trivial - call for resignations. By Tucker Carlson and Mark Steyn 25 February 2020 (4'52") #ArrestJoeBiden #CreepyJoe #Fantasy #MentalHealth #media #journalism #communication #MilanKundera #Kremlin #corrosive #malarkey

How the FBI Combats Chinese Spies & “Honey Traps”

How China became our enemy - honey trap. Chris Chappell interviews former undercover FBI agent Marc Ruskin 18 February 2020 (22'56") #China #enemy #decouple #honeytrap #CIA #FBI #NationalSecurity #Batvirus #business #businessadvisor #communication #press #media #journalism #internalcommunication #opensociety #borders

Salvini Slams Leftist Government for Coronavirus Outbreak in Italy!!!

Open borders recipe for disaster - empty shelves in Italy. Analysis by Dr Steve Turley 24 February 2020 (9'13") #batvirus #Unelected #unwed #unethical #BatVirus #Coronavirus #Wuhan #ArdernMustGo #CIA #Auckland #NewZealand #pandemic #leftismMustDie

Kenya's million dollar garbage business | DW Documentary

Surviving Kenya's rubbish dumps. Richie's story. (Warning: confronting). By Melanie Cura Daball for Deutsche Welle 24 February 2020  #Rubbish   #Business   #scavenger   #Kenya   #Nairobi   #landfill   #Waste   #plastic   #recycle   #poverty   #Dundora   #evil   #devil   #satan   #hell   #LeftismMustDie  

Should Christians study philosophy?

Why we study mental issues. Theology the queen of the sciences and philosophy her handmaiden. By Dr RC Sproul for Ligonier Ministries 24 February 2020 (4'25") #philosophy #fallacy #Jesus #God $theology #mentalhealth #thinking #ThinkingAboutThinking #Critical #Analysis #Logic #TheoreticalThought #Bible #PeaceWithGod #Business #BusinessAdvisor #reality #creation #leftismmustdie

Is It True, Or Did You Hear It On CNN?

Is it true or did you hear it from CNN. By Tony Heller 23 February 2020 (7'43") #climateAlarmist #ClimateHoax #climatechange #ClimateSuperstition #ClimateChange #media #press #communication #climatehoax #climatesham #ThereIsNolimateChange #superstitnio #FakeScientists #fraud

Animals Dropping Dead In China & Cured Coronavirus Patients Go Under Qua...

Lisa Haven reports China's batvirus going through new incarnation. Block the border Jacinda Arden. Stop putting money over people. 23 February 2020 (9'03") #Unelected #unwed #unethical #BatVirus #Coronavirus #Wuhan #ArdernMustGo #CIA #Auckland #NewZealand #pandemic #coronavirus #quarantine #banlandlords 


Free Burma Rangers trailer 13 January 2020 (2'29") movie out soon #Jesus #Pray #JesusHelpMe

Madness and Chaos at 2018 Tel Aviv Gay Pride in Israel

Seek Elohim #SimWillNotWin #Israel #Jews #bigots #hypocrites

What the Bible Says about False Prophets in 3 MINUTES!

Vocab Malone reminds us of what a false prophet is. 23 February 2020 (2'59") #falseprophet #lyingdivination #falsevision #LeftismMustDie #BanLandlords #BanBanking #usurymustdie #rentalslaverymustdie #indenturedslavermustdie #civildisobedience #decouple

Owen Shroyer Confronts Media At Courthouse Where Roger Stone Was Sentenced

Free Roger Stone - Owen Shroyer. Lock up crooked Judge Amy Berman Jackson by Alex Jones (50'19") 20 February 2020 banned video by Infowars #law #legalissue #crookedJudge #AmyBermanJackson #communicaiton #media #FreeRogerStone #jury #ethics #corruption #ObamaScandal #ObamaHolover

LIVE: President Trump in Las Vegas, NV

President Trump's KAG rally in Las Vegas (22 February 2020 NZT) (1 ° 46'52") by Donald J Trump #Nevada #oratory #KAG

The China they DON'T want you to SEE!

China under the dress (beware: confronting). By Serpentza 21 February 2020 (31'43") #conronavirus #batvirus #China #decouple

A Humanitarian Disaster: Nearly 1 Million Syrian Civilians Fleeing Blood...

Syrians scrapping with Turkey has caused biggest humanitarian crisis of our time. By Chris Mitchell Middle East Bureau Chief for CBN News 21 February 2020 (3'50") #Idlib #Turkey #Syria 

Trump brutally mocks Democratic candidates ahead of Nevada caucus

President Heckler in Chief in top form at yesterday's Las Vegas rally. The Five reacts for Fox 22 February 2020 (7'36") #MiniMikeBloomberg #Fauxcahontas #AlfredENeuman #CreepyJoeBiden #CrazyBernie #MAD #MAGA #communication #press #journalism

Body Language: Mike Bloomberg First Debate Performance

#MiniMikeBloomberg: Mike Bloomberg's debate virginity taken away. Bernie caught gay bashing. By Body Language Ghost 21 February 2020 (14'21") #MikeBloomberg #WomenAbuser #BodyLanguage #bigots #hypocrites #GayBashing #LeftismMustDie #Fauxcahontas #Buttigieg #MiniMikeBloomberg #CreepyJoe #Virginity #IWillDoYouInASecond #MeToo #EmployerismMustDie

Former Gay Reveals Truth of LGBTQ Agenda Flooding the Culture: They're S...

Resist businesses that force LGBTQ on you. Report by Gary Lane for CBN News 22 February 2020 (7'31") #FromQueerToChrist #Masculinity #fakenews #mainstreammedia #communication #press #journalism #civildisobedience 

Mt. of Transfiguration // Holy // Joshua Aaron Official Lyric Video

Joshua Aaron takes us on an aerial journey to The Mount of Transfiguration in northern Israel. Official Lyric Video for “Holy” filmed on Mount Tabor. From the album "Every Tribe". By Joshua Aaron 22 February 2020 (NZT)(4'23") #holy #Jesus #God #repent

The Black Hebrew Israelite EPIC 400 Year Prophecy Fail! (Vocab Malone)

The 400-year curse of black slavery is over. By Vocab Malone for Acts17Apologetics 22 February 2020 (10'59") #BlackHebrewIsraelites #Gen15v13 #Deut28v68 #LeftismMustDie #BanLandlords #BanBanking #usurymustdie #rentalslaverymustdie #indenturedslavermustdie #migrantUnderclass #slavery #EconomicKidnapping #Kidnapped

"SURVIVING SINGLE MOTHERHOOD!?!" Stefan Molyneux and Noah Revoy

Convention to make women great again - and reshape the world in a more rational context. Noah Revoy and Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain discuss how philosophy can serve. 21 February 2020 (18'57") #MakeWomenGreatAgain #philosophy #business #businessAdvisor #divorce #Masculinity #femininity #LeftismMustDie #BanLandlords #BanBanking #usurymustdie #rentalslaverymustdie #indenturedslavermustdie 

Hell and the lake of fire awaits all who do not repent!

The Bible is made for the simple man - it means what it means. By Phillip Blair for Torch of Christ Ministries 23 February 2020 (NZT) (23'42") #StopHeresy #Jesus #EternalTorment #Hellfire #Mark9v43 #Math10v28 #Luke16v24 #Rev20v10 #death #hell #LakeOfFire #Repent #unquenchableFire #JarsOfClay #EternalSoul #Business #LeftismMustDie #BanLandlords #BanBanking #usurymustdie #rentalslaverymustdie #indenturedslavermustdie #migrantUnderclass #slavery #EconomicKidnapping #Kidnapped

Political Climate Science

Climate alarmists concerned President Trump planning to place actual scientists on National Climate Assessment. By Tony Heller 20 February 2020 (6'33") #cherrypicking #datahiding #fraud #ClimateChange #media #press #communication #climatehoax #climatesham #ThereIsNolimateChange #superstition

President Trump Air Force One Flyover Daytona 500 (Fox)

It must be incredible being an American today. Flashback: President Trump arriving at 2020 Daytona 500. By Jim Wilke 16 February 2020 (1'56") #Daytona #MAGA #Nascar #AirforceOne 

Border Wall Construction Revealed by Drone

American pride rising out of the ashes of #ObamaScandal. By Kenneth Frantz, Summit Peak Drones 12 February 2020 (9'16") #BigBeautifulBorderWall #border #wall #policing #architecture #construction

US Military Orders Company to Stop Putting Bible Verses on Military Dog ...

Mikey Weinstein - Jew - complaining about Scriptures on dog tags. Cease and desist letters sent to Kenny Vaughan - Shields of Strength. Separation of church and state is not in the US Constitution. By CBN News 20 February 2020 (6'34") #UnitedStatesOfJesus #AntiChrist #business #businessAdvisor #Pentagon #Marines

That Wasn't What Bloomberg Expected ��

Leftists now officially running PR for President Trump. Analysis by Mark Dice 20 February 2020 (6'25") # leftismmustdie #WeWantOurStuffBack #BanLandlords #DiversityMustDie #BrainDrain #MikeBloomberg # Fauxchahontas #media #journalims #PR

Tucker: America is being sold to China

China has become a dangerous enemy. Report by Tucker Carlson for Fox 18 February 2020 (11'08") #China #hypocrites #bigots #LeftismMustDie #BanLandlords #BanBanking #usurymustdie #rentalslaverymustdie #indenturedslavermustdie #civildisobedience #decouple 

DEBUNKED: Obama's Lies About Trump Economy | Louder with Crowder

#ObamaScandal by Steven Crowder 19 February 2020 (14'29") #scandal #business #busiessAdvisor #MAGA

February 12, 2020 Newsletter Readout

When alarmists insist other alarmist must stop acting fraudulently. By Dr John Robson 12 February 2020 (5'44") #ClimateChange #media #press #communication #climatehoax #climatesham #ThereIsNolimateChange #superstition #science #exaggeration #fearmongering #ethics 

Justin Bieber Said He’s Obeying Jesus Now!

Justin and Jesus. Abundant life and facing a a Holy God on the Day of Judgement. By Living Waters 18 February 2020 (19'55") #Jesus #Bieber #mentalhealth #business #economy #media #PR #communication #life #businessadvisor #Nation #sin #adultery #eternity 

What Allowed Locusts to Multiply by the Millions? Plague Spreads Far Bey...

Locusts leaving Africa for China. Report by George Thomas for CBN 18 February 2020 (3'20") #swarm #locusts #China #agriculture  #plague #EndTimes #business #export #trade #foodsupply


I like pink. I like orange more. Let's get rid of all the jet-skis and turn it into a workout room. Vlog by Jamie O"Brian 17 February 2020 (17'13') #surf #StayPsyched #Hawaii

Brian Stelter Finally Admits It

Leftist CNN host describes himself as stupid. Analysis by Mark Dice 18 February 2020 (4'59") #PanderingForVotes #TomSteyer #reparations #CNN #BrianSteltter #media #communication #fakenews #mainstreammedia #communication #press #journalism #BernieSanders #naked #DumbAsDirt #Farmers #SocialMedia #MikeBloomberg #digitalmarketing 

Episode 824 Scott Adams: The Bernie Bomb, Bloomberg's VP Pick, Irrelevan...

Why are President Trump's supporters so pro Bernie. The Bernie bomb goes off no matter what. You can try defuse it and it will go off, you can leave it and it will go off. By Scott Adams 18 February 2020 #economy #risk #BernieBomb #BernieBros #bomb #bombsquad #LeftismIsDead

2020 Auckland Gay Pride. Protesting a celebration of sin

Pray for Auckland, New Zealand. By Torch of Christ Ministries 9 February 2020 (33'52") #prayer #gay #pride #sin #judgementday #love #Jesus #Christ #God #sould #mentalhealth #leftismMustDie #business #EmployerismMustDie #ethics #morality #repent #turn #change #grace

Man threatens to put a bullet in my forehead for preaching Jesus Christ ...

The story of New Zealand's financial and spiritual collapse. By Torch of Christ Ministries 7 February 2020 (21'10") #bullet #forehead #NewZealand #collapse #business #finance #businessAdvisor 

Donald Trump Is WINNING His Fight With "The Swamp" And Putting DC Elites...

Revenge rampage - and it's legal. Analysis by Tim Pool 15 February 2020 (24'21")  #revenge   #BanLandlords   #UsuaryMustDie   #EmployerismMustDie   #mainstreammedia   #communication   #press   #journalism   #business   #EachUnderHisOwnFigTree   #ScoreSettling    #leftismmustdie   #civildisobedience   #obamascandal  

Avenatti CONVICTED in Nike Extortion - Lawyer Explains - Viva Frei Vlawg

Another big leftist lawyer convicted. Report by Viva Frei 15 February 2020 (6'15") #LeftismMustDie #extortion #law #legalissues #leftismMustDie #Avenatti #Stormy

It’s Way Too Obvious!

Mike Bloomberg caught astroturfing memes. Analysis by Mark Dice 15 February 2020 (6'28") #astroturfing #memes #MoneyCanNotBuyLove ##BloombergCantMeme #Astroturfing #fraud #orchestrated #PR #deception #ElfBloomberg #MikeBloomberg #memes #socialmedia #digitalmarketing #BuyingElections #riggingElections 

WATCH: Zozi's colourful Cape Town Carnival inspired homecoming parade

How does South Africa produce such beautiful women. Zozibini Tunzi, paraded through the streets of the Mother City. By News24 (1'59") #MissUniverse #beauty #perfection #SouthAfrica #prosperity

Vile man sexually assaults me while preaching, Christchurch, NZ

Open air preaching in New Zealand on Valentine's Day. By Torch of Christ Ministries 14 February 2020 (29'14") #tongue #ear #Christ #Jesus #materialism #preaching #healing #love #Valentine #mind #mentalhealth 

Are You Smarter Than A Protester?

How smart are leftists. Report by Millie Weaver 15 February 2020 (13'38") #leftismMustDie #climatechange #climatesham #mentalhealth #intelligence #ObamaScandal 

My Valentine's Day Gift To Climate Alarmists

There literally is no climate change - happy Valentine's Day. By Tony Heller 15 February 2020 (NZT) (12'33") #ClimateChange #media #press #communication #climatehoax #climatesham #ThereIsNolimateChange #superstition #NOAA #weather #meteorology #fakedata

Turkish Troops, Rebels Clash With Syrian Government Forces

Turks and Syrians having a scrap. Turkish forces and Syrian rebels clashed with Syrian government forces, Friday, February 14, in a continuing confrontation that saw the shooting down of a government helicopter, reports said. By VOA News 14 February 2020 (1'03") #Turkey #Syria #Russia

Episode 820 Scott Adams: Valentines Whiteboard Lesson on Winning Versus ...

He's got the whiteboard today. By Scott Adams 14 February 2020 (9'58")  #winning   #losing   #frame   #productivity   #technique   #stress   #victim   #process   #habits   #business   #businessadvisor   #mentalhealth   #love