
Showing posts from July, 2019

Watchdog group obtains key Clinton email probe documents

#FISA #MI6 #ClintonScandal

Norwegian Nightmare: 'Barnevernet' Preys On Children and Parents

Norway - the dark side the world knows nothing about. Leftism must be stopped. Government preys on children. By CBN News 19 July 2019 (6'04")  #LeftismMustDie   #persecution   #Norway   #Law   #LegalIssues   #HumanRights   #Barnevernet   #satan   #devil   #witchcraft   #MentalHealth   #psychology   #torture

Something BIG Is Coming!

#Watergate coming. Leftists have taken a vacation. Millie Weaver's report on the  treason by the left 27 July 2019  (8'39") #media #TrustFailure #NoHate #journalism #communication #Mueller  #FusionGPS #BritishInterference #BritishIntelligence #MI6 #LeftismIsDead #impeach #vacation

Killing the Sin in Your Life

Stop being greedy. Sin is taking what you don't have the right to take. Sermon by Dr John MacArthur 23 July 2019 (53'06" #pathology #mentalhealth #lust #self #covet #NewZealand #StopWorshippingSelf #StopBeingGreedy #sin #greed #hell #business #wrathOfGod #idolatry

Trump SLAMS de Blasio over doused cops! AOC, Ilhan Omar, and 'The Squad'...

The Islamic face of the left comparable to anti-Semitic Nazi Germany.  And New York's disgraced mayor - Bill de Blasio heaps more disgrace on his own head with latest cop attack.  News with Bobby Eberle   27 July 2019 (15'00")  #Endtimes #NoHate #TheSquad #racism #AntiSemitic #AntiWhite #AntiMinority #leftismMustDie #witchcraft #satan #devil #evil #terrorism #IslamicAggression #InvestigateIslam #police #NationalSecurity

Ilhan Omar Says Americans Should Fear 'White Men'!!!

New face of the left: Rabid racist, anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-white leftists must be investigated. Leftists must be de-radicalised. Analysis by Dr Steve Turley 26 July 2019 (12'14") #TheSquad #SendHerBack #LockHerUp #DeradicaliseIslam #DeradicaliseTheLeft  #FeminismMustDie #CulturalMarxiismMustDie #IdentityPoliticsMustDie #RacismMustDie #ASymetricalTolerance #Attitude #MinorityRights

Tucker: What should happen to those who lied about Russian collusion?

Lock up liars. Analysis by Tucker Carlson for Fox Nes 25 July 2019 (8'22") #prison #LegalIssue #justice #AdamSchiff #NancyPelosi #ChuckSchumer #HostileForeignPower #FusionGPS #UK #treason

Mathematical Challenges to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution with Berlinski, ...

Giving up Darwin, Darwinism and its underlying racism at last going mainstream. 22 July 2019 ( 57"13")  by  Hooverinstitution  -  Peter Robinson discusses it  (in Florence, Italy) with David Berlinski, David Gelernter, and Stephen Meyer, who have raised doubts about Darwin’s theory in their two books and essay, respectively The Deniable Darwin, Darwin’s Doubt, and “Giving Up Darwin” (published in the Claremont Review of Books). #DarwinismMustDie #science #mathematics #biology #YoungEarth #Creation #God  #species

BOOM: Trump Sees HIGHEST APPROVAL, Voter Ratings on Economy BEST in DECA...

President Trump's ratings through the roof. Analysis by Dr Steve Turley 26 July 2019 (10'21") #ratings #corporatist #globalist #media #journalism #economy #jobs #relaity #approval #Trump #rasmussen #FourHorsemen #SendThemBack #RacismMustDie #localism #traditionalism #SecularismMustDie #GlobalismIsDead #Glocalism

Public Suicide of Top FBI Agent Who Investigated Clintons?

#FusionGPS   #UK   #SteelDossier   #ForeignInterference   #BritishIntelligence   #InvestigateIslam  By HighImpactVlogs 26 July 2019 (8'51")

Thank You Mueller! ��

The left goes into free fall. British Interference in 2016 Election House Intelligence Committee - Steele Dossier Fusion GPS - Joseph Nipson . Analysis by Mark Dice 25 July 2019 (9'24") #optics #Meuller #impeachment #PR #PRdisaster #media #journalism #MI6 #UK #Britiain  #ForeignInterference #SteelDossier #FusionGPS #HoneyPot #Spying  #Rome #London #AzraTurk #Hottie #HoneyPot #RussiansHaveDirtOnClinton #JosephNipson

BUSTED! Tlaib to Trump: 'Deport this -bleep-!' Omar again refuses to den...

The left's old one rule for them and their mates and another for the rest of us. Force the left to denounce extremism. Analysis by Bobby Eberle 25 July 2019 (13'56") #DoubleStandards #EndRacism #NoHate #SendThemBack #Deport #war #resistTheLeft #TheSquad #LeftismMustDie #FemaleGenitalMutilation #IhlanOmar #RashidaTlaib #SmallAmountOfLeven

Total of five aircraft from China, Russia violate KADIZ, one invaded S. ...

360 rounds: Shots have been fired after South Korean airspace violated by Russian and Chinese. By ARIRANG NEWS 23 July 2019 (2'47") #ShotsFired #SouthKorea #Russia #China #KADIZ

South Korea Fired 360 Rounds Of Warning Shots After A Russian Warplane V...

360 rounds: Shots have been fired after South Korean airspace violated by Russian and Chinese. By Time 23 July 2019 (1' 05") #ShotsFired #SouthKorea #Russia #China #KADIZ

The Robert Mueller Hearing has been a DISASTER for Democrats!!!

Fusion GPS - British Intelligence interference in US politics. Analysis by Dr Steve Turley 25 July 2019 (7'46") #FusionGPS #SteelDossier #MI6 #BritishIntelligence #Spying #Meuller #MediaFraud #FakeNews #journalism

Robert Mueller Loses All Credibility in Congressional Hearings


Nightmare Warning Issued By Franklin Graham: “It’s Coming, Like Never Be...


Body Language: Jim Jordan Vs Bob Mueller Congress

Meuller's body language analysed by Body Language Ghost 25 July 2019 (8'52" ) #Meuller #liar #spying #spies #FISA #CarterPage # Papadopoulos #SteeleDossier #Rome #London #AzraTurk #Hottie #HoneyPot #RussianHaveDirtOnClinton #JosephNipson

Tucker: Democrats believed Mueller would save America

Only God can "EXONERATE". Word games by the crooked left. Analysis by Tucker Carlson for Fox News 25 July 2019 (8' 28") #MI6 #collusion #conspiracy #FusionGPS #UK #ForeignInterference #purview #ChristopherSteele #BritishIntelligence #SteelDossier

What Will They Think Of Next?

#Meuller. By The United Spot 25 July 2019 (4'01") #parody #collusion #impeachment

Muellers Testimony lasted 3 hours and that was just the first question.

Uh, uh, um, well, uh, uh. By Carpe Donktum 24 July 2019 (1'30") #UhUhUmWellUhUh #Meuller

Rep. Gohmert grills Mueller: Did you know Strzok hated Trump?

Meuller admits he was good friends with James Comey. House Judiciary Committee screened by Fox News 25 July 2019 (5'17") #Meuller #TrumpHate #justice #steeldossier #LisaPage #PeterStrzok #FusionGPS #ForeignInterference #puffery #NationalSecurity

Andy Biggs: Mueller needs to answer every question he is asked

Meuller acted out of process - as subpoenaed witness it was unlawful and unethical for him to choose what he answers and what not through and avowed anti-Trump lawyer sitting next to him.  Meuller k new early on there was no collusion. By Fox News 25 July 2019 (7'59") #collusion #conspiracy #MI6 #Rome #Russia #HallyEmails #ForeignCollusion #ForeignInterference #SteelDosier #Entrapment #HoneyPot #Australia #Spying

It's clear Mueller didn't write this report: Alan Dershowitz

How did the false accusations start - and Meuller didn't write the Meuller Report. By Fox News Business interviews Alan Dershowitz Harvard law professor emeritus  25 July 2019 (8'41") #politics #ReportWriting #Meuller #Dershowitz

One Flew Over The Democrats Nest

By The United Spot 2 June 2019 (4'29") #politics #economics #philosophy #parody #mentalhealth #impeach #impeachment #obamascandal

I'm on the Edge of My Seat ��

No one's listening to the left. Report by Mark Dice 24 July 2019 (5'10") #LeftismIsDead #Avenatti #pressconference #emptyroom #interview #media #journalism 


Ideas for renaming Sweden - Soy-den, Islamic Caliphate of Sweden, Cuck-den - given its diverse dystopia. Analysis by Paul Watson 24 July 2019 (4'38")  #Sweden   #Volvo   #dystopia   #diversity   #rape   #malerape   #shooting   #carfie   #robbery   #FemalGenitalMutilation   #NoGoZoneForJews   #Sterilisation  

Trump speaks to reporters after Mueller's dramatic hearings

Mainstream fake news still at it. President Trump reacts to the Meuller hearings. By Fox News 25 July 2019 (NZT) (15'59") #DishonestReporters #Reporters #FakeNews #FakeNewsProblem #Media #MediaManagement #TheSquad #TheLeftISAMess #LeftismIsDead #Journalism #Politics #Philosophy #Economics #Collusion 

Creedence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising (Official Lyric Video)

Bad Moon Rising (Official Lyric Video) - Creedence Clearwater Revival. Original release: 1969. Album: Green River. Genres: Classic Rock, Rock. Awards: Yes.

Congress 90210


Johnny Clegg – A Giant Among Men | Carte Blanche | M-Net

Johnny Clegg tribute. By Carte Blanche 20 July 2019 (11'59") #juluka #sipho #zulu #impi #Isandlwana #LunarEclipse #BloodMoon #BoereJood

et's go with WATCH: Rupert, Steinhoff and Wiese - Unpacking the 'Stellen...

Pieter du Toit talks about his new book - The Stellenbosch Mafia. By News24 Video 23 July 2019 (4'27")  #Stellenbosch   #mafia   #business   #Afrikaner   #Billionaire   #money   #network   #industry   #SouthAfrica   #economy   #power   #influence   #WMC   #monopoly   #capital   #subjugation   #industrialist

Ravi Zacharias | The Ben Shapiro Show Sunday Special Ep. 60

Ben Shapiro interviews Ravi Zacharias. By The Daily Wire 22 July 2019 (1°00'49") #values #business #finance #morality #philosophy #politics #suffering #Creator #logic #God #Jesus #faith #evil #culture #distress #atheists

END of a Free Hong Kong BEGINS

Hong Kong - Chinese Special Administrative Region - the end is in sight. One country two systems put in place by departing British colonists. British rule is over. China won't blink. By Black Pigeon Speaks 22 July 2019 (9'26") #HongKong #UK # China #socialcredit #toiletwater #oil #StraitsOfHormuz #economics #finance #communism #philosophy #brinkmanship

Democrats Island

The left's deep image problems has realworld consequences. Meme by The United Spot #LeftismIsDead #Wreckage #shipwreck #economics #PR #meme #paroday #TheSquad #LeftistsAreCreeps

Body Language: DNC Squad Leader

Body language analysis indicates Islam is the face of the left. By Body Language Ghost 18 July 2019 (9'44") #SendThemBack #BodyLanguage #LeftismMustDie #terrorism #LikeALittleYeast #Islam #RaceBaiting #TheSquad

A tribute to Johnny Clegg

Outpourings of love for white Zulu. Asimbonanga by Ndlovu Youth Choir 17 July 2019 (1'29") #JohnyClegg #Impi #BoereJood #Isandlwana #Zulu #LunarEclips #BloodMoon #MakeSouthAfricaGreatAgain

Conrad Black speaks out after being pardoned by President Trump


Moquegua: Alerta por explosiones en el Volcán Ubinas

Peru's Ubinas volcano has erupted. By ATV Noticias 20 July 2019 (4'18") #volcano #seismic #Peru

Merkel and Trudeau STAND UP for the 'Squad’ After Trump’s ‘Go Back’ Twee...

European elite sellouts and traitors support #TheSquad.  Analysis by Dr Steve Turley  21 July 2019 (10'46") #SendHerBack #TerrorismMustDie #LeftismMustDie #France #Germany #Fraud #hypocrites #bigots #NoHate 

Manspreading ideology is 'just a load of rubbish'

Feminists are idiots. By Sky News Australia 18 July 2019 (5'07") #FeminismMustDie

Why Epstein is being called a foreign asset

Espstein is a foreign asset. By Rick Sanchez for RT America 18 July 2019 (13'47") #Mossad #CIA #MI6 #Paris #justice #judge #law #prison #hedgefund #TaxHaven #Blackmail #SexParties #Conspiracy #Intelligence

If you commit a serious crime, ‘you don’t get to stay here’

Ardern has destroyed the good relations that used to exit between our nations. Report by Sky News 19 July 2019 (4'51") #ArdernMustGo #SendHerBack #Citizenship #migration #bleater #WorldCivilWar #Australia #NewZealand #NationalSecurity

MSNBC’s Chris Hayes: Trump Supporters Must Be ‘CONFRONTED and DESTROYED’!!!

The left want normal people dead. Analysis by Dr Steve Turley 20 July 2019 (8'49")  #LeftismMustDie   #SendHerBack   #TheSquad   #war   #civilwar   #violence   #NeverAgain   #OpenBordersIsDead   #GlobalismIsDead   #ModernityIsDead   #GlobalismIsDead   #SecularModernityIsDead

When DRACO Shows Up! - Trip to Oshkosh Day 3

Vlogger the_candourist in a brand new Husky to Oshkosh 19 July 2019 (10'35") #husky #aviation #oshkosh

The Wedge is PUMPING and PERFECT this morning !!!

BEEFS T.V. reports on the perfect The Wedge  15 July 2019 (10''10") #TheWedge #Surfing #perfection

Ardern flaunting 'moral posture' during Australia visit

# SendHerBack  Ardern described as a bleater and cute - and should go back to where she came from. Analysis by Sky New Australia  19 July 2019 (4'40") #ArdernMustGo #criminal # SocialismMustDie #LeftismMustDie #Immoral #PR #unelected #unwed #unwanted #drugs 

Ardern flaunting 'moral posture' during Australia visit

# SendHerBack  Ardern described as a bleater and cute - and should go back to where she came from. Analysis by Sky New Australia  19 July 2019 (4'40") #ArdernMustGo #criminal # SocialismMustDie #LeftismMustDie #Immoral #PR #unelected #unwed #unwanted #drugs